速報APP / 運動 / Longrun




檔案大小:17 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



Longrun brings your Smashrun activities to iOS. You can view all your activities from Smashrun including details like the splits, notables and route. It is also possible to track your overall mileage progress over the course of the previous weeks and months.

After logging in you can view your Smashrun activities in a chronological order. On the activities list you can see the route overview, some basic activity statistics and the description you gave the activity. For each activity you can review the activity details. You can view the recorded overall statistics, together with the splits and notables. The statistics shown there may include the distance, duration, average pace, calories, heart rate average and range, cadence average and range, as well as elevation statistics. You can analyze the data points collected during the activity in even greater detail on the route map by tapping on the map itself or the map icon on the top right of the map. There you can inspect the activities route together with a detailed graph analysis of the statistics recorded during the activity.


In the statistics tab you will find your overall mileage of the previous weeks in a list, together with the changes compared to the mileage of the week prior. Here you can also find the trends of the weekly and monthly mileage you covered in two individual graphs.

On the account screen you find the information about the account currently logged in to the app. The app settings are also located there. In the app settings you can adjust the theme of the app. It is possible to choose a background color between dark and light, as well as primary and secondary colors (supporter only, see below). This allows you to personalize the app appearance so that it fits individually to you.


What is a supporter?

I am developing this app in my free time. To support me during the development you can become a supporter. As a supporter you will unlock some exclusive features, so you have a direct benefit as well. To become a supporter you can choose between three in-app purchases with different price tiers. At the end you will get the same features independent from what you pay. My idea is, that you just pay what you want or can.


What are the additional features for supporters?

- Theming of the primary and secondary colors. You can choose between some predefined colors or use a color picker to find exactly your favorite color.


- More exclusive features may come in future releases.

Please send feedback on how you like the app. Tell us about which features you want to see in future versions, or if you found a bug. You can find the option to send us feedback in the app settings.


*To use the app you need a Smashrun account.
