速報APP / 生活品味 / Watcher - Get Home Safe

Watcher - Get Home Safe



檔案大小:45 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.2 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Watcher - Get Home Safe(圖1)-速報App

Watcher lets your family and friends virtually watch out for you. It’s a simple way to be a little more safe when you’re out alone after dark.

It works like this: You enter your destination and choose one or more contacts to watch over your trip. If you start running, go off your path, stop for too long, or get your headphones yanked out, Watcher will ask if you are alright. If you do not respond within 30 seconds, your ‘watchers’ will be notified, and asked to contact you. They don’t need to have the app installed on their own devices.

In case of emergency, you can call 911/112 (US/EU) from the app with a single tap.


"Now my friends can just follow me on Watcher and they don’t have to stay on the phone with me the whole night!"

- Camilla

"So there is finally an app for all the girls! Spread the word!"

Watcher - Get Home Safe(圖2)-速報App

- Atos

"I just tried the app and it is super smart! So happy for the recommendation."

- Camilla

"It’s just a great idea! Now one doesn’t have to be so afraid of walking alone."

- Amanda

"Yes! Just biked home safely through the city’s dark and dodgy streets thanks to Watcher ;)"

- Maria

Watcher - Get Home Safe(圖3)-速報App


We're introducing Private Trips. If you make your trip private, you can have Watcher keep an eye on you *without* sharing your location with anyone. Maybe you're coming home a little later than expected and you don't want to wake anyone up, or you just prefer to travel under the radar... In private mode, Watcher will keep your journey a secret *unless* something bad happens on the way. Get to your destination safely and no one will ever know you used the app. But if you set off an alarm and fail to respond, then we'll alert your watchers immediately. Neat, right?

Read more: http://watcher.io/faq/

Feedback and support: help@watcher.io

We're always trying to improve your experience. If you feel safer with Watcher, please take a moment to review our app.

Get home safe!


Watcher - Get Home Safe(圖4)-速報App

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

Watcher - Get Home Safe(圖5)-速報App
