速報APP / 教育 / CareBug




檔案大小:10 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



CareBug is a private, personal feed between parents and child care providers. Easily stay in touch and see all the ins-and-outs of your child’s day.

Beloved by nannies, family providers, and child care centers, CareBug makes it quick and easy to record all the special moments parents love and want to know about. Parents get instant updates throughout the day so they never miss a moment with their child. Providers can touch base with parents right away without interrupting their day.

Private and Secure

Only parents and providers can see the information. You don’t have to worry about accidentally sharing with the public, because that’s not even an option.

Real-Time Updates


Know what’s happening the moment it’s shared. Parents have the peace of mind knowing how their child is doing and how well they’re being taken care of.


See what’s happening throughout the day with instant photo sharing. Don’t just see the project when you pick your child up. See your child make the project, and send the teacher a note to say how much you love it.


Does your child have any special needs for the day? Just post a note and the provider will be alerted. Have questions for the parents or you need more supplies? Post a note and the parents will be alerted.


Track Routines

What was for lunch? Did they have a good nap? Is potty training going well? Know all the details as they happen. Quickly look back to remember what happened last week too.

Fast and Simple

CareBug is designed for simplicity from the ground up. Quick and easy forms are fast to work with so you don’t spend time fumbling in the app instead of taking care of what’s important.

Multiple Children


Easily add the same entry for more than one child at the same time. Did all the children have the same snack? Type it in once, select which children, and you’re done.


支援平台:iPhone, iPad