速報APP / 教育 / Java Programming

Java Programming





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:House No. WZ-234 Palam Village New Delhi - 110045

Java Programming(圖1)-速報App

The app consists of all the necessary and important theoretical points on below mentioned topics of java programming language:

(For in-depth and learning from scratch, please refer the paid version)

1. Compile and Execute

2. Class Members

3. Method Overloading

4. Execution Process in JVM

5. Constructors

6. Initialization Blocks

Java Programming(圖2)-速報App

7. OOPS - Encapsulation

8. Inheritance

9. Polymorphism

10. Abstraction

11. Final and Interfaces

12. Exceptions - Introduction

13. More on Exceptions

14. Wrapper Classes

Java Programming(圖3)-速報App

15. Multi-Threading

16. Synchronization

17. Inner Classes and Patterns

18. Collections

19. File Handling

20. Serialization

21. JDBC-1

22. JDBC-2

Java Programming(圖4)-速報App

23. XML

24. Web Applications

25. Servlet Life Cycle

26. Request Dispatching

27. Session Management

28. Java Server Pages

29. JSP Implicit Objects

30. JSP Directives

Java Programming(圖5)-速報App

However, the app is not for beginners. This could be helpful for brush up purpose for those who are already having good exposure on this programming language.

Java Programming(圖6)-速報App