



版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本





Intermittent fasting has been used for weight loss. Many variations like 16-hour fasting, 22:2 and one meal a day have been used as a meal regimen plan to lose weight. Intermittent fasting does not restrict the type of food you plan to eat, it is very versatile and focuses mainly on window times. This type of fasting has certain benefits on diabetic people, improve a fatty liver and more longevity, gain wellness with alternate day fasting (adf).

Intermittent fasting has several variants and basically consists of consuming food for a period of time, also known as a window, that covers a few hours and then fasting the remaining time until the next corresponding meal. In this way you will not be depriving yourself of food, like starvation, and it may be more bearable. With this free intermittent fasting app you can eat whatever you want, that simple, however, it is more advisable to follow a healthy and nutrient-balanced diet since you will be depriving your body of energy during a hours window.

This free app contains a meal plan or dieting system to do intermittent fasting for seven days. You can do it with certain variants that appear within the app. You could try for example the 16 8 diet and a few weeks later you can try the twenty four variant. The fasting timer allows you to try the 22:2 and 12 hour too. Try the different ways of fasting and verify which has been the one that has given you the most results for you to do it for a longer time. Synchronize with your circadian rhythm for optimal and natural results. 5:2 is not available by now. Schedule the fasting with alarm. simple reminder notifications offline to follow your fasting and you don't need a carb and food calorie counter.


This app is completely free to use with no subscription and you can also get access to the widget and see your the progress from the home screen.

You will also find information guide for beginners:

♦ Is Intermittent fasting with breastfeeding safe?


♦ How Intermittent fasting can help you for weight loss.

♦ What is visceral fat and how does IF benefit you burning fat?

♦ How to deal with hunger


♦ What to drink during fasting hours.

♦ Will my metabolism be affected?

♦ Other health benefits.


♦ Food categories

Intermittent fasting can be combined with different dieting plans like paleo, low carb and vegan. Do the 16 hour fast with your favorite recipes, add oatmeal if you want. For best results do a water fasting due that water has no calories and avoid unhealthy food for your living.

Who is this app for?


♦ This intermittent fasting app is for everyone that wants to try fasting as a way to improve life and lose weight. If you want fast weight loss try prolonged fasting. The longer it is the higher the odds to enter into ketosis. 5:2 diet and 36 hour which is alternate day fasting are more extreme and may cause autophagy in your body, which is good. One meal a day is another popular way.


♦ It's like a challenge to reach your goals and take care with anorexia and thinspo, it's better to have a diet helper or diet buddy with you in this case.


♦ Avoid starvation because nutrition is important and keep good eating habits.

This is a lite app to download, It takes little space on your phone. It's not supported for watches.

Try this intermittent fasting app with an example menu for only one week and then check if you have lost weight or burnt fat if your goal is to be lean. Also, You could practice IF to improve your health.


Download this free intermittent fasting app right now and give it a try today!