速報APP / 生活品味 / I Love You Images

I Love You Images





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




I Love You Images(圖1)-速報App

Do you want to say I love you to your loved ones in a stylish way? Then, you can quickly do it with our I Love You Images app which allows you to send beautiful quotes to your girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, etc.

This app can give you to choose more than 100+ pictures/quotes /greetings. You can share these pictures/ quotes/ greetings on every romantic moment.

Features of app:

I Love You Images(圖2)-速報App

1. Share quotes/ greetings via hike, Whatsapp, Facebook, Hangout, Google Plus, etc.

2. Share via MMS

3. Share via Email

I Love You Images(圖3)-速報App

4. Very simple to use

This app makes it very simple for you to send a beautiful I Love You greeting to your loved ones directly from your phone.

I Love You Images(圖4)-速報App