速報APP / 運動 / AvNav Navigation

AvNav Navigation





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本




AvNav Navigation(圖1)-速報App

Navigate your sail boat using Electronic Raster Charts on your SD cart.

AvNav Navigation(圖2)-速報App

Use the internal GPS device or connect to a GPS via TCP, bluetooth or serial device via USB-serial adapter.

AvNav Navigation(圖3)-速報App

Includes AIS display if provided by the external device.

AvNav Navigation(圖4)-速報App

Easy waypoint and route creation and modification. Store tracks in gpx format on your SD card. Import and export tracks and routes in standard gpx format.

AvNav Navigation(圖5)-速報App

This app is an android port of the Raspberry Pi solution - see http://www.wellenvogel.net/software/avnav/index.php (German).

AvNav Navigation(圖6)-速報App

Charts must be converted into the GEMF format before they can be used (for necessary software follow the above link).

AvNav Navigation(圖7)-速報App

For an online demo see http://www.wellenvogel.net/software/avnav/viewer/avnav_viewer.html?navurl=avnav_navi.php.

The app runs without any issues starting from KitKat (4.4). For older Versions (min 4.0) you either need to install the Chrome browser and operate in browser mode or install the crosswalk runtime (see my app store) - an embedded Chromium browser. If your device is below KiKat the App will ask you to install this runtime app (AvNavXwalk). This inconvenience is caused by a lot of issues in older android browsers.

Crashes should be fixed with the new version 0.1.3.