速報APP / 健康塑身 / ShiftMe Passports

ShiftMe Passports



檔案大小:357.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


ShiftMe Passports(圖1)-速報App

The stress you may be experiencing can stand between you and the life you want. Reducing stress by putting an end to demoralizing thought-loops is easier than we’ve been taught.

ShiftMe Passports® by MoodShift® deliver stress reducing experiences 1-minute at a time…perfect for your micro moments.

Our Shoshin Technique™ and patented methodology work in synergy to transform your demoralizing thoughts and emotions into your greatest asset.

Just imagine…

recapturing your childlike enthusiasm;

dipping into a reservoir of encouragement and optimism;

ShiftMe Passports(圖2)-速報App

seizing the day with high regard for the quality of your life.

… all of this is possible, one ShiftMe Passport at a time.

Use it throughout your day:

• Upon rising to set the course of your day.

• When you take a bathroom break.

• For focus when you shift gears from one situation to another.

ShiftMe Passports(圖3)-速報App

• To halt demoralizing or frightening thought-loops.

• Any time you need positive reinforcement.

• To bridge the gap between stress reduction practices such as yoga or meditation.

• Before you sleep for calming reassurance.

Designed to be at your fingertips, a passport experience takes less time than a bathroom break. During times of severe stress, back-to-back experiences are recommended for compounding benefit to attain the relief you desire.

Build resilience with frequent use.

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More about the Shoshin Technique:

MoodShift’s proprietary Shoshin Technique is multifaceted and facilitates the discovery of solutions to your stress. The foundation of the Shoshin Technique is ancient wisdom embedded in the Dead Sea Scrolls:

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”

This ancient wisdom provides the prescription to come alive and transform an unfulfilled life.

One facet of the Shoshin Technique involves using the Socratic Method –– a non-judgmental style of asking questions. This method naturally develops sound thinking.

“Shoshin” is a Japanese word which translates as “beginner’s mind”. We are born with the “shoshin” way of being. It is an attitude of openness and willingness to explore without hesitation. It is an attitude of eagerness and lack of preconception. The “shoshin” attitude is unencumbered.

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As we socially adapt to the world around us, the cultivation of limited thinking evaporates the natural “shoshin way” out of our being. As we are pressured to follow the status quo, we start to distance ourselves from the core of our being. This process of limited thinking suppresses our “life force”. This stressful cycle becomes increasingly difficult to break.

Get unstuck and stay unstuck from worry, fear, disappointment or anxiety.

Why ShiftMe is for you:

Stress insidiously sabotages your life.

As a society we are told that daily stress is just a part of life – the result of our fast-paced lifestyle. One day, we wake up with the shocking realization that we have a serious health issue or some aspect of our life has drastically changed because we ignored the impacts of stress. This is the defining moment that grabs our attention.

“Why did this happen to me?” “I just didn’t see this coming.” “How did I get here?”

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The result at the end of the day –

living an unfulfilled life.

We understand that when you start living a life that you are excited about, it strengthens your life force – your will to live.

Get unstuck and free yourself from fear, uncertainty and doubt.

Rise to the clear and vibrant person you were meant to be … one ShiftMe Passport at a time.

ShiftMe Passports(圖7)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad