速報APP / 地圖與導航 / Address Memory Lite

Address Memory Lite





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Chicago IL 60641, United States

Address Memory Lite(圖1)-速報App

This app wants to help you navigate easily to your frequent destinations. Store up to ten addresses, and having click in one of them have Google Navigation opened in driving mode for you. The app works similar to a remote control giving instructions to Google Navigation.

Address Memory Lite(圖2)-速報App

The app remembers your transportation preference for each destination, including walking. Optionally, you can drag and drop our widget in your smartphone or tablet screen to have a quick access without opening the app every time!

Address Memory Lite(圖3)-速報App

This app has been created with the intention to work online and offline. So if you save your area in Google Maps then you can pair it with this app and navigate offline. While offline you can continue adding more addresses.

Address Memory Lite(圖4)-速報App

You can keep a picture of your loved ones or favorite places and assign them to their addresses. In that way it makes it easier to track an address than by reading it on the road.

Address Memory Lite(圖5)-速報App

As mentioned, you can only add up to ten addresses. If you find this is good enough then keep it that way. But if you would like to import your addresses to the cloud and access them from other devices please take a look at Address Memory Pro which doesn’t come with that restriction.

Address Memory Lite(圖6)-速報App

Address Memory Lite(圖7)-速報App