速報APP / 購物 / SwishStores



檔案大小:21.1 MB

版本需求:系統需求:iOS 9.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。



Product Features

* Customers are able to shop millions of products around the world from a single app

* Keep up to date with order tracking, buy essential goods for next day delivery

* Send and share links to products via email, SMS, Facebook, Twitter, and more

* Sign-up for automatic shipment notifications to know when your order ships and arrives

* Buy with confidence, knowing that all transactions are securely processed

Product Description


The SwishStores app lets you shop millions of products and manage your orders from anywhere. Browse, shop by department, read reviews, share products with friends, and check the status of your orders.

Compare prices and availability by typing in your search. Never miss a deal with easy access to Today's Best Deals. You can also sign-up for shipment notifications to know when your order ships and arrives. You have full access to your Shopping Cart, Wish Lists, payment and next-day shipping options, just like on the full Swishstores.com site. All SwishStores app purchases are routed through SwishStores' secure servers to encrypt and safeguard your personal information.

Important Note Regarding Permissions

Please note that the SwishStores app requires access to the following services to operate properly:

* Location: Allows the SwishStores app to access your location to help you discover local offers and select addresses fast.

* Account: Allows you to share products on SwishStores with your friends and families through Facebook or other social networks.

* Phone: Allows the SwishStores app to pre-populate the SwishStores Customer Service number on your phone’s keypad.

* Storage: Allows the SwishStores app to store your preferences so that some features can load and run faster on the device.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad