速報APP / 生活品味 / Kundli Padhna Sikhe 21 Days

Kundli Padhna Sikhe 21 Days





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Kundli Padhna Sikhe 21 Days(圖1)-速報App

Your Janam Kundli or birh-chart is a cosmic map of our solar system at the time of your birth.

Kundli Padhna Sikhe 21 Days(圖2)-速報App

According to astrology, the positions of different planets in sky at the time of birth impacts us throughout our lives, it carves our personalities, our inclinations and our nature.

Kundli Padhna Sikhe 21 Days(圖3)-速報App

Therefore, Janam Kundali is pivotal in order to have an in-depth understanding of our lives to improve our lives and to tread the path of peace, success and prosperity.

Kundli Padhna Sikhe 21 Days(圖4)-速報App

With the help of this app ,we tried to teach you Kundli reading in 21 days in hindi.

Kundli Padhna Sikhe 21 Days(圖5)-速報App

Each & every topic are explained in simple hindi language.

Kundli Padhna Sikhe 21 Days(圖6)-速報App

some special features of this app are-

Kundli Padhna Sikhe 21 Days(圖7)-速報App

1)you can learn with the help of mcq

each mcq test show you the result

3)increase speed feature helps you to test your speed how much you learn

4)game play- if you score more thab 60% then you can go to another level.