速報APP / 遊戲 / Cinderella Movie Storybook for Kids and

Cinderella Movie Storybook for Kids and


檔案大小:343.3 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Cinderella Movie Storybook for Kids and Children!(圖1)-速報App

The magical Princess Rings have been stolen by a team of highly trained evil ninjas known as the Step Sisters! Its up to Princess Cinderella to get them back before all the magic in the kingdom is stolen!

Our Storybook is free to try with 3 fun educational games!

Each page features an INTERACTIVE animation which brings the story to life…literally! This means your child can also help the princesses to use their powers and read along with the characters as they speak!

The Princess Rings have the power to steal magic and so Cinderella is advised by her fairy godmother to enlist the help of another princess - The Charm Princess! Together the two will enter the evil lair of the Step Sisters and try to take back the rings before there powers are also drained! A fairytale like no other!

Our unique storytelling system will take children (and adults!) on an immersive and truly exiting journey. Through a combination of INTERACTIVE animations and normal storytelling you will be taken into the magical world of Princess Cinderella!


• Each page features an ANIMATION which brings the story to life

• 3 Educational Games!

• Packed full of humour!

Cinderella Movie Storybook for Kids and Children!(圖2)-速報App

• Amazing voice acting!

• READ along with the characters!

• HD images

• Every page is fully narrated

• A great storybook for boys and girls of all ages!

Recommended for

• 2-5 year olds

• Preschool / Kindergarten / School

• Children (and parents!) who like cute and cuddly characters!

Cinderella Movie Storybook for Kids and Children!(圖3)-速報App


• Preschool Doctor Games

• Preschool Math Class IQ

• Candy Kid Education Preschool

• Preschool Crazy Zoo

• Preschool Heroes

Perfect for reading cuddled up on the couch or for bedtime reading.


In most cases you can flip the switch on the side of your iPhone/iPad to turn your sound back on or double tap the home button and swipe to the volume controls.

Cinderella Movie Storybook for Kids and Children!(圖4)-速報App


We are available 24/7 should you have any questions or problems! - Support@TheCharmPrincess.com

Cinderella Movie Storybook for Kids and Children!(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad