速報APP / 生產應用 / MacDraft Pro 7

MacDraft Pro 7



檔案大小:176.4 MB


版本需求:OS X 10.11 或以上版本,64 位元處理器


MacDraft Pro 7(圖1)-速報App

MacDraft Pro 7 is the 2D CAD app that makes floor & garden plan design, architectural drawing and technical illustration easy on the Mac.

MacDraft Pro 7 takes full advantage of the latest Mac features and technologies, giving you the power to create detailed, precise and professional designs in moments. Use the advanced yet familiar tool sets to design anything from floor plans to architectural elevations to engineering drawings, all with MacDraft Pro’s easy-to-use and intuitive interface and features.

The new MacDraft Pro 7 has been completely redesigned to run seamlessly with the latest macOS using its sleek, modern look. The interface can switch between light and dark mode at the click of a button.

Sleek and intuitive interface

- Single screen application

- Dark or Light mode

- Retina support

- Customisable tool bar

Familiar Text System

- Create text with confidence

MacDraft Pro 7(圖2)-速報App

- Never make a mistake again with Spell check

- System text allows the use of all your favourite fonts

- Vectorize text to turn into an editable shape

Fully Scaled Environment

- Work in Metric or English units

- Work at the pre set scales or create a custom one

- Create layers with different scales

System Features

- Work in Full Screen Mode

- Enable AutoSave

MacDraft Pro 7(圖3)-速報App

- View your documents as tabs in a single window

File Format Support

- Full support for the latest AutoCAD DWG & DXF file format (AC1032)

- Export as PDF

- Save as printable PDF

- Save as MacDraft Templates (.mp70)

- Export as image formats such as JPEG and PNG

Powerful yet familiar drawing tools

- Simply create, edit and resize shapes

- Easily add custom shapes such as polygons and stars

MacDraft Pro 7(圖4)-速報App

- Comfortably create walls

- Smoothly draw curves, arcs and beziers

- Freehand tool

Wall/Parallel Line Tools

- Edit the thickness, alignment, end caps and cornering of walls

- Edit the thickness of internal and joined walls

- Create rooms by extruding and connecting walls to one another

Precise duplication and selection

- Create radial arrays with circular duplication

- Layout grids with linear duplication

MacDraft Pro 7(圖5)-速報App

- Control complex selections with Select Special.

Smart dimension system

- Draw any dimension type

- Control the format and style of your dimensions

- Smart dimensions will update depending on the unit type selected

- Manage tolerances

- Edit the size of end marks


- Save your favourite fonts to use as default

- Set default line weights, colors and styles

MacDraft Pro 7(圖6)-速報App

- Set default dimension standards

Smart Snapping

- Align and snap to areas of the drawing with Smart Snap

- Snap to Objects or guides

- Snap across different layers

- Set the grid as dots or squares like traditional drafting paper

Color / Pattern / Gradient Swatches

- Create custom colors and store them in the swatches panel

- Design beautiful linear or radial gradients

- Produce highly detailed repeatable patterns in the pattern editor

MacDraft Pro 7(圖7)-速報App

- Paste in images to create stunning textures

Custom Symbol Library System

- Over 7,500 additional pre-drawn items available in the MacDraft Complete Pack

- Create your own drawings and add them to your own library for later use

Additional Features

- Get started quickly with 100s of built in, pre drawn templates

- Show the perimeter or area of any shape

- Double click to state the size of an object before placing it

- Align objects to page

- Contextual menu (right click for quick options)

MacDraft Pro 7(圖8)-速報App

- Improved report system making it easier to create data reports

System Requirements

- Designed exclusively for macOS, MacDraft Pro requires macOS 10.11+ to run

MacDraft Pro 7(圖9)-速報App