速報APP / 生產應用 / ServiceMax Pulse

ServiceMax Pulse



檔案大小:17.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


ServiceMax Pulse(圖1)-速報App

ServiceMax Pulse notifies field service technicians when their work orders or schedules change. Constantly traveling or on the job, technicians and engineers don’t always have time to be proactive. Push notifications via ServiceMax Pulse empower your field service workforce to increase utilization and customer satisfaction by helping them show up prepared and on time. Dispatchers can quickly alert service technicians of new or changing work orders and events immediately. And, Pulse notifications link seamlessly to ServiceMax Mobile for iPhone or iPad– making it easier to deliver flawless field service.


• Increase technician utilization and service revenue by keeping technicians on schedule and prepared for the next job

• Improve customer satisfaction by showing up on time and encouraging proactive customer communication when schedules change

• Promote employee satisfaction with mobile tools that make it easier to do a great job

• Deliver flawless field service with a seamless link between ServiceMax Pulse and ServiceMax Mobile apps

ServiceMax Pulse(圖2)-速報App


• Native iOS push notifications for work orders and scheduled events

• The technician’s ServiceMax Mobile app is updated when a notification is acknowledged

• iOS Settings allow the notifications to appear as a banner or alert

• Alerts require an action to dismiss, ensuring that your technician has seen the schedule update

• Direct link to the ServiceMax Mobile app and the corresponding work order right from the notification

ServiceMax Pulse(圖3)-速報App

• System administrators can easily create and configure rules for push notifications from ServiceMax Setup

支援平台:iPhone, iPad