版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
Considering the devastating effects of External Lightning, JMV is proposing a well-designed & calculated Lightning Protection Solution based on the type of structure, location, occupancy, risk of explosion, electrical and electronic equipment/ components that are sensitive to direct hit of lightning.
JMV has developed software named Lightning Risk Assessment Calculator. This calculator is designed in compliance with IS/IEC 62305 and NBC 2016. With this software one can ensure whether his structure is protected without lightning protection system. If not then at what level of protection (LEVEL I-IV), the structure will be protected.
Lightning protection systems are methods to divert the effects of lightning discharges away from the buildings, its occupants and sensitive equipment housed in the building, including from the necessary connections from public systems to the building. LPS may be installed to avoid accidents, severe injuries and may be even deaths of humans and animals due to direct and indirect lightning.