速報APP / 工具 / TimePreserver




檔案大小:1.1 MB


版本需求:OS X 10.8 或以上版本,64 位元處理器



TimePreserver is designed to do one complex task easily: making archives of your Time Machine backups stored on a Time Capsule. In keeping with Time Machine there is no complicated setup, no myriad of options. It just works.


Keeping data safe is an ever more important job for home, student and SOHO users as more precious data – from photos to term reports – is stored on computer. TimePreserver complements Time Machine/Time Capsule by creating an archive of the contents of a Time Capsule on a local hard disk. This hard disk can then be moved “offsite” to provide even greater protection.


Once the initial archive is created subsequent archives are incremental saving a great deal of time. The Time Capsule remains usable during the archive, only individual Macs are blocked from making Time Machine updates while their own backup is archived. In this way TimePreserver insures the integrity of the archived Time Machine backups from the Time Capsule, unlike generic backup applications.


TimePreserver archives can be used directly by the Mac OS Installer to restore a Mac should a disaster strike. They can also be used to restore individual files using Time Machine, or to restore a complete Time Capsule.


TimePreserver is fully compatible with archives produced by TimePreserver Lite.