速報APP / 遊戲 / Buba’s Jr Academy : Enhance Kids' Presch

Buba’s Jr Academy : Enhance Kids' Presch



檔案大小:176.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.1 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Buba’s Jr Academy : Enhance Kids' Preschool / Kindergarten A(圖1)-速報App

Together with teachers from the Municipal Center of Preschool Education, we have taken the concept of developmental apps for kids to the next level!

Buba’s Jr Academy : Enhance Kids' Preschool / Kindergarten A(圖2)-速報App

This multilevel educational app takes your child through a series of fun adventures that help them learn with ease and reenforces their Preschool and Kindergarten lessons. From learning the basics, like the alphabet and their numbers, to more advanced lessons, like math and improving reading skills.

Buba’s Jr Academy : Enhance Kids' Preschool / Kindergarten A(圖3)-速報App

You can choose the level of difficulty according to the age of the child - from ages 2 to 7.

Buba’s Jr Academy : Enhance Kids' Preschool / Kindergarten A(圖4)-速報App

Your child will take a spectacular space flight on Planet Math. Help a scarecrow caught in a storm and play hide and seek with some silly squirrels. Along the way, the each lesson and puzzle reinforces their Preschool and Kindergarten education.

Buba’s Jr Academy : Enhance Kids' Preschool / Kindergarten A(圖5)-速報App

Help your child excel in school and give them the tools to thrive!
