版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本
About us:
ESND will connect the different society layers system, by giving the Rich the ability to support the Poor and making impact and progress in their life. Currently all donation and support systems are going manually through mosques, churches, clubs and groups. This project will allow the new generations to be able to support and making impacts on each other life. The SANED can support The MASNOD on specific way or task. The MASNOD can list all his/her specific needs and the SANED can choose how to help/donate. The Rich can help, specify, and track all work done/progress by the poor. Improving both lives of RICH and POOR by connecting them thru ESND will allow us to work in non-repeatable/fraud-safe environment and better track the 7.eer activities and donations. The addition of ESND will provide a more accurate history to the SANED and will create a permanent “complete picture” of all of the activity associated with SAND activities. This social effort is expected to increase security and reduce the risk for fraud through the society. ESND will improve public service by reducing errors, eliminating additional data entry processing delays, and allowing the public service clerks to provide immediate up-to-date status, all within one place.
Where we work:
ESND will be covering the 27 states of EGYPT, connecting the society layers, by giving the Giver individuals the ability to support the Needy Individuals and making progress on their lives, then along the way the Needy can be a Giver in the future.