版本需求:Android 2.1 以上版本
3D physics simulation of various dice. Customize details/colors of each die. RPG/D&D dice. Tilt/Shake phone. Multi-touch. Tablet support.
Powered by the Bullet physics library.
Uses Keith Wiley's awesome "UberColorPicker".
** Compatibility, quality and performance may depend on the capabilities of your device.
Do email me with any issues or suggestions.
-Includes 7 dice
D2 (coin)
D10 (0-9, 1-10 and 00-90)
** Consider purchasing to gain:
* D12 and D20 dice
* Removal of Ads
* Additional number label types (roman numerals and pips (dots) on D2/D6)
* Die style copy/pasting (easily make similar looking sets)
Hold your finger on a die to change its detail/colors.
Separate selection of face, detail, and number colors.
No set limit of die quantity. (as many as your phone can handle)
Choose one of 4 detail types. (or none)
-Multiple methods of play
Tilt/Shake your phone.
Repeatedly tap the screen.
Drag/Flick dice individually. (multi-touch supported)
-Five separate tables
Switch by tapping screen's upper corners.
Change the background for each table.
Five included backgrounds.
Use custom images as backgrounds.
Roll total is displayed at the top.
Freeze individual dice in place.
Toggle rumble/vibration feedback.
Toggle sound effects.
Toggle motion controls.