速報APP / 娛樂 / GoodLuck






版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Just by spinning a little clover, you determine your own luck. You write your own destiny. Everytime you spin the clover, you set your chance to a new percentage. If you you think you are lucky enough, you can ask that person out or play lottery (not recommended, because it is not fair for the gambling company. Yes, that is the only reason).

What if you set your luck to a low percentage, such as 2% ? Well, then you can spin the clover again! How amazing is that? But what if you get a low percentage again? Well then, it is hard to believe but you can spin the clover again!


I hear you ask "How does this app can determine my luck?". Simple, this app has been developed while staring into a rabbit foot and wearing a horseshoe.

So, enjoy the app. Good luck!

P.S. If you set your luck really high in the app and still can not win the lottery, that means the lottery company is cheating. There is absolutely no problem with this application.

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