速報APP / 攝影 / Insta Story - Instagram story editor, Ig

Insta Story - Instagram story editor, Ig





版本需求:Android 4.3 以上版本




Insta Story - Instagram story editor, Ig Story Art(圖1)-速報App

Insta Story - 2019 Best Instagram Story Editor

Insta Story can help you easily create beautiful story by remixing your own photos&videos, which will make your story unique and popular. Let's unfold your IG story and grab your followers' attention!

- Beautiful templates with instagram effects to create story and design story lab for instagramstories,instories.

- Choose photos or VIDEOS to make beautiful stories with our fancy templates filters for VSCO like canva&lightroom.

- Dozens of images and background story colors from this story editor and free collage for instagram artists.

Insta Story - Instagram story editor, Ig Story Art(圖2)-速報App

- Layout to combine photo mix and make background story with instagram effects-unum.

- Multiple sources to create background story and template design story, let your texts nicer insta story highlight cover like canva&lightroom.

- Export in high quality and speed by this story editor-insta story highlight cover,instories.

- Insta story maker is storyluxe with instagram effects and unfold your IG story planoly-nichi.

- Use to photo mix and photo split for instagramstories,instories like canva&lightroom.

Insta Story - Instagram story editor, Ig Story Art(圖3)-速報App

- Story template and background story art in story maker-insta story highlight cover VSCO.

-This background story maker is easy to create story lab with instagram effects-unum.

- This pic collage maker is free collage for instagram artists to hype type text story planoly-nichi.

Choose one layout to make story lab, make collage art and be a IG story editor. insta story is the best app to create story lab and template design story lab.It can create story art and it’s a good storyluxe filters for VSCO.The layout from instagram effects is nice in this photo split. Story design lab app for instagram artists to hype type text story planoly-nichi.


Insta Story - Instagram story editor, Ig Story Art(圖4)-速報App

- Multiple customizable insta fashion layout templates from this story editor-insta story highlight cover-unum.

- Insta fashion:Pic collage maker can combine photo mix-mojo to hype type text story.

- The layout from instagram is free insta fashion collage for instagramstories.

- Different style of template design to make collage art and create story template design in this storyluxe, Story design lab app for instagram planoly-nichi.

- Try various IG story template and story art snapgram-mojo to hype type text story.

Insta Story - Instagram story editor, Ig Story Art(圖5)-速報App

- Combine photo mix can shape layout from instagram artists like canva&lightroom.


- Make insta fashion planoly preview story snapgram-mojo.

- Change the background color to match your photo, create story and template design story snapgram easily for instagramstories-insta story highlight cover-unum

- Select your photo as background, make unique collage art-mojo.

Insta Story - Instagram story editor, Ig Story Art(圖6)-速報App

- Combine photos to create story art-mojo.

- Good storyluxe snapgram and story collage maker like canva&lightroom.

- Filters for VSCO-nichi,instories maker.

- Combine photo split is free collage snapgram to hype type text story.

- Use layout from instagram artists for preview photo split unum.

Insta Story - Instagram story editor, Ig Story Art(圖7)-速報App

Other tools:

- Sticker: customize your template and layout from instagram, make insta fashion story and collage art.

- Text: awesome fonts to create story and design story for instagramstories like canva&lightroom.

- Filters: high quality filters for VSCO in this story editor and pic collage maker in this Story design lab app for instagram artists, instories maker.

Insta Story - Instagram story editor, Ig Story Art(圖8)-速報App