速報APP / 教育 / Productivity Course

Productivity Course





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Productivity Course(圖1)-速報App

We have all gone through it. We look forward for the day tomorrow with all of our plans. Let us suppose the plan is to:

Wake up at 7:00AM.

Eat breakfast at 8:00AM.

Go for a quick jog.

Eat a chicken salad for lunch.

1PM work on your school project.

Productivity Course(圖2)-速報App

Attend your dentist appointment.

4PM work another 3 hours and finish the school project.

7PM have dinner.

Get into bed and read a chapter of your book by 10PM.

Lights out and ready for bed by 11PM.

That day comes, and you weren’t woken up by your alarm clock. You woke up at 10:00AM instead, skipped breakfast and went for your job, you then proceed to eat lunch and work on your school project at the same time but get distracted by cat videos while browsing the internet.

Productivity Course(圖3)-速報App

Now it’s 5pm, you’ve spent most of your time watching cat videos that you forgot about your dentist appointment and haven’t made any headway on your school project. You’re now rushing to get things done by the 12:00AM project deadline.

“What have I done? I should’ve have done this . . . and that . . .” You think to yourself...

Indeed, procrastination is a challenge. It’s like beating blocks, and we know that block is an ongoing procrastination issue that can last for weeks, and even months.

If you’re dealing with such things, worry not! The Productivity Course will guide you on refraining from procrastination, and will help work out on the things that keeping you from doing things you’re supposed to do. With this, you can live a productive and happy life which you are aiming for with help of this course.

Here's some of what you'll get in this course:

* Learn How to Set a Game Plan

Productivity Course(圖4)-速報App

* Reducing Distractions

* Exercise Self-Discipline

* Don’t be dragged by Setbacks

* Be Goal-Oriented

* A Positive Frame-of-Mind

* Resist Overextending Yourself

Productivity Course(圖5)-速報App

* Organizing your Priorities

And much much more...

Productivity Course(圖6)-速報App