速報APP / 工具 / MOVIST




檔案大小:72.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



If you need an app to manage your movies, MOVIST is the app you are looking for!

With MOVIST you can keep track of the movies you own, the movies you wish you had, the movies you saw and the movies you want to watch in a simple and elegant way.

MOVIST will help you :

• Search

It's easy, just type the title of the movie you want and we'll find it.

• Categorize

You own the movie? Add it to your Collection.

You wish you had that movie? Add it to your Wish List.


You saw a movie? Mark it as watched.

You want to see that movie? Add it to your Watchlist.

• Manage

Sort your lists the way you want to. Group your movies to find them faster in your lists.

• Brag

Brag about the size of your collection by scrolling through the wall of movie covers you have in your lists.

• Discover

We built an amazing discovery engine. The suggested movies will be tailored based on the movies you'll like or dislike.


• Browse

We created an awesome selection of handpicked movie lists just for you.

• Find

Find more movies thanks to movies related to an actor, a crew member or another movie.

• Rate

You saw a movie and want to remember what you thought about it? Rate it!

• Check-in

Tell your trakt friends what movie you are watching right now.


• Synchronize

Keep everything in sync between your iPhone, iPad and the web thanks to trakt.tv integration.


支援平台:iPhone, iPad