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Psychologist - Anywhere- Anytime





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Psychologist Anywhere Anytime

Psychologist Anytime Anywhere

I developed this website with the goal of helping each visitor to grow both emotionally and intellectually and, thus, help you to understand more, feel better, be more satisfied and productive, and improve the depth and quality of your life.

You have probably come to this website to help yourself with a problem and/or because you are looking for information to expand your knowledge. Accordingly, if you want to consider me as your therapist or coach I suggest you now click on the link How I Can Help You which will help you understand "What Makes Me Different from Other Psychologists and Therapists". Then you can explore the specific subject(s) in you are interested.

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However, if you are not looking for a therapist or coach, but want to expand your knowledge base, then click on any of the blue links below or on the topics in the right and left hand margins.

Below are topics covered on this website.

Emotional Problems

Emotional problem areas include Anger and Anxiety (GAD), Frustration and Depression, Grief and Guilt and Stress as well as Self-esteem and Lack of confidence.

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Eating Disorders

Focuses on the ever increasing problems surrounding Eating and weight including Anorexia nervosa (characterized by low body weight and body image distortion) and Bulimia nervosa (characterized by episodes of Binge-eating, and feelings of guilt, humiliation, and self-deprecation). Emotional eating and problems with Excess weight are examined, as well as the issue of Weight control.


Includes several key areas of interpersonal problems including Codependency, Loneliness and relationships with Loved ones I.e. relationship and marriage problems. Other topics include Rejection and Separation and divorce.

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Discusses the major addictions of Drug and alcohol addiction, compulsive eating and an obsession with weight and body image (Food addiction), Gambling addiction and Internet addiction. Other addictions include Sex and pornography addiction as well as Spending and shopping addictions, and Work addiction.

Behavioral Problems

Discussed in this section are ADD (attention deficit disorder) and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder), Adjustment disorder and Bipolar disorder including mania and depression, Borderline personality disorder (BPD) and Conduct disorders, Explosive disorder, Hypochondria and Kleptomania, Multiple personality disorder (MPD) and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), and Schizophrenia. The final topic is Sleep disorders including Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, Restless Legs Syndrome, and Narcolepsy.

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Phobias And Fears

Helps you understand fear, anxiety, and Panic attacks, as well as specific phobias including Acrophobia (fear of heights), Agoraphobia (fear of an embarrassing situation), Claustrophobia (fear of enclosed or confined spaces), Monophobia (fear of being alone), Social phobia (fear of exposed to possible scrutiny by others), and Performance anxiety. At the end of this section is a comprehensive listing of all the phobias.

Sexual Concerns

Focuses on problems and help specific to sex and sexuality. These issues start with Male Sexual concerns and Female Sexual concerns. Specific sexual problems explored include Gender identity disorder (where a person has been assigned one gender, usually at birth, but identifies as belonging to another gender), Sexual orientation issues, Bisexuality, Gay and lesbian lifestyles, Fetishism (sexual arousal and activity involving non-human objects), Sadomasochism (involving both sadism and masochism), Exhibitionism (the need to exhibit naked parts of the body), Frotteurism (sexual pleasure from rubbing against another non-consensual person),

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Helpful Information

Adoption And Infertility

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