速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / ABX | ArchitectureBoston Expo

ABX | ArchitectureBoston Expo





版本需求:Android 4.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:1290 Bay Dale Dr #319 Arnold, MD. 21012

ABX | ArchitectureBoston Expo(圖1)-速報App

The official mobile app for the ABX | ArchitectureBoston Expo, the largest building and design tradeshow and conference in the Northeast. Held annually in Boston, the two-day show draws 8,000 professionals across all AEC and real estate disciplines to meet face-to-face with 325+ exhibitors of all sizes. The educational conference program is an integral part of the ABX experience offering 108 accredited workshops designed to polish skills, spark ideas and offer real world-solutions. ABX ranks #226 on the TSNN Top 250 US Trade Shows.

ABX | ArchitectureBoston Expo(圖2)-速報App

ABX | ArchitectureBoston Expo(圖3)-速報App

ABX | ArchitectureBoston Expo(圖4)-速報App

ABX | ArchitectureBoston Expo(圖5)-速報App