速報APP / 健康塑身 / RRB Dance Company

RRB Dance Company





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




RRB Dance Company(圖1)-速報App

Welcome to RRB Dance Company. The fastest growing Bollywood Dance Academy. Being a part of RRB Dance Company is more than just a dance company, it is being a part of a community, a family. The curriculum taught to RRB students was founded by the Dance India Dance NA 1st Place Winner, Rajat Rocky Batta. This program follows a set method of techniques, exercises, and foundation that delivers results. Furthermore, the program focuses on and builds Confidence, Culture, and Community to students. Classes are offered for kids (4+) to Adults. This curriculum breaks away from traditional training and dives much deeper using proven methods. Today, Rajat is pioneering and evolving choreography world-wide by sharing his program. Being trained by RRB, you can expect students to learn about movement, musicality, confidence, performance, and most importantly, what being a Dance Family is all about. Become a part of the RRB Parivaar today!

RRB Dance Company(圖2)-速報App

RRB Dance Company(圖3)-速報App

RRB Dance Company(圖4)-速報App