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How to Make Slime





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本


How to Make Slime(圖1)-速報App

Slime is always popular with kids, and more importantly it is lot of fun. It is easy and cheap to make at home, but does require care and supervision. In this app we discuss 9 different ways to make slime in no time.

Learn how make slime easy and fast in a safe and fun way using ingredients of the most common and easy to find. It's the fashionable toy! Learn how to make a slime tutorials for beginners. Simple and fun for children

Slime is fun to play with. While the most common recipe calls for glue and borax, there are other ways to make slime, slime that don't use glue, and borax. Some recipes use simple ingredients to make slime, such as dish soap and cornstarch and Shampoo and other ingredients.

we discuss inside the How To Make Slime and slime without Glue and borax app:

How to Make Slime(圖2)-速報App

How to Make Simple Slime Recipe

How to Make Super Slime

How to Make Glooze Slime

How to Make Slime with Glue

How to Make Slime(圖3)-速報App

How to Make Fluffy Slime (Without Borax)

How to Make Classic Slime

How to Make Fluffy Slime

How to Make Slime with Washing powder

How to Make Slime(圖4)-速報App

How to Make slime without glue

How to Make Slime with Shampoo

How to Make Slime with Shampoo and Salt

Slime with Shampoo and Toothpaste

How to Make Slime(圖5)-速報App

What can I add to slime?

Make your own slime for the kids ingredients you have at home. This is an easy messy play & sensory play idea for young children

How to Make Slime(圖6)-速報App