速報APP / 健康塑身 / My Diorama Nature +

My Diorama Nature +


檔案大小:129.8 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


My Diorama Nature +(圖1)-速報App

Bring more clarity and peace to your daily life. Start your meditative journey.

Mindfulness & meditation for wherever you are. Bring more clarity, joy and peace to your daily life. Start your journey to a calmer mind and create your personal interactive diorama to relax and unwind.

My Diorama is interactive app designed to help alleviate anxiety, stress and promote happiness, gratitude and peaceful state of health and wellbeing. My Diorama can help reduce stress level and promote deep sleeping and relaxed state of mind and body.


My Diorama Nature +(圖2)-速報App

• Garden of Zen. Place trees, flowers, rocks and animal life to stimulate your visual experience. Observe wildlife in your personal place of mediation and beautify your diorama with floral life.

• Atmospheric Weather. Choose and control the weather to create a peaceful and engrossing atmosphere with relaxing white noise sounds of nature.

• Sounds of Peace. Beautiful and relaxing musical tracks to help you relax and enjoy your personal sanctuary.

• Zen Experience. Interact and unwind in relaxation. Touch and interact to the soothing and calming soundtrack. My Diorama Nature promotes peace, tranquillity and a ease of mind.

My Diorama Nature +(圖3)-速報App

• Player Freedom. No in-app purchases, No intrusive or unnecessary permissions.

Please consider the full version to remove ads.


Email: ghulam.jewel@gmail.com

My Diorama Nature +(圖4)-速報App

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ghulam_Jewel

My Diorama Nature +(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad