速報APP / 教育 / Best High School Study Tool

Best High School Study Tool





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Best High School Study Tool(圖1)-速報App




This app is designed to help anybody learn terms easily! This app includes a Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts section. Science also includes 5 subsections. Additionally, there is a convenient search bar and a feedback section! In the study section, users can review with convenient flashcards and/or study with a short quiz. With a simple and beautiful layout, anyone can use this app to help them at any time. Learn today, for a better tomorrow!

- Learn math terms

- Learn language art terms

- Learn poetry terms

- Learn social studies terms

- Learn science terms

- Learn biology terms

- Learn chemistry terms

- Learn geology terms

- Learn physics terms

- Learn computer science terms

- Review with flashcards

- Math flashcards

Best High School Study Tool(圖2)-速報App

- Language art flashcards

- Poetry terms flashcards

- Social Studies flashcards

- Science flashcards

- Biology flashcards

- Chemistry flashcards

- Geology flashcards

- Physics flashcards

- Study with quizzes

- Math quizzes

- Language art quizzes

- Social studies quizzes

- Science quizzes

- Biology quizzes

- Chemistry quizzes

- Geology quizzes

Best High School Study Tool(圖3)-速報App

- Physics quizzes

- Learn terms easily

Best High School Study Tool(圖4)-速報App