速報APP / 生活品味 / 賬單管理






版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本




賬單管理讓你更有效管理賬單. 並幫你監察合約到期, 提早提醒你以便近好管理.

在現今電子賬單的年代, 你有没有發覺管理賬單更加困難嗎? 在我使用此程式前, 我經常覺同一賬單怎麼經常收到呢?我不是才已繳付了此賬單嗎, 為什麼又一張呢? 怎麼又是賬單最後提示! 更糟糕的要算時合約賬單, 它們通常是1-2年或更長, 没記錄下, 你根本没辦法知道它是否到期,而合約賬單之月費於合約期間會有 "所謂的" 回扣/回贈, 月費往往才是市價. 往往要到收到最新的賬單發現天文月費才知悉合約已過期, 然後你要想立即暫停服務, 對方往往告訴你停止服務要一個月通知!!! 不知你有没有相同經歷?

我們開發賬單管理就是為了解決以上問題. 如果你有類似問題, 賬單管理可能就是你要的程式. 此程式會在你的賬單到期前提你繳交. 它並能輸入合約賬單資料, 當合約將到期前主動通知你要更新合約等. 其完整功能有:

- 提供簡單介面輸入單次賬單, 重覆賬單或合約賬單等

- 簡單單按查看繳費記錄

- 長按1-2秒可輸入新繳款數目及參考編號

- 提供簡單介面輸入合約資料

- 當賬單到期時, 它會安靜地提醒你

- 當合約將近到期, 它又會主動地提醒你

此程式等別適合記錄電費賬單, 水費賬單, 煤氣賬單, 電話賬單, 手提賬單, 上網賬單, 物業管理賬單, 保障賬單, 稅, 學費及信用咭分期等. 它能支援以日,星期, 月或年重覆的賬單.


程式提供介面讓你輸入到期前多少天提示你賬單到期, 我們明白到該提示並不是非常緊急, 程式不會發出任何提示聲響. 只會於手機上顯示一提示, 當你有空使用手機時, 你會輕易地察覺到.



程式提供介面讓你輸入合約到期前多少天提示你, 我們了解合約時一兩年或更長的事, 我們很難記下它的到期日.因此你可以輸入一個較長的日了(如60天前)作提示. 程式會以聲音及手機上顯示提示.


With the electronic bill decade, do you find it difficult to manage your bills? I do so, I always find some repeat bill that I suspect I have already received and make the payment! Some bill have been paid but still receive overdue remind! What make the situation worse is the contract bills. They are lasted for 1-2 years and the month bill total are discounted during the contract period. It turns out that the contract expired and we didn't aware until we receive the significant surcharge bill. You are then informed that the service termination need at least 1 month notice! Do you face the same problem?

We develop bills is to help ourselves to manage all our bills and free from the problem. If you face the same difficulties, you may find this application useful to you too. The application will alert you to make payment when a bill is almost due. Besides, bills application also allow you to manage bill contracts and alert you in advance when contract nearly due. The full functions are:

- provide simple interface for you to input one-time bills, periodic bills and contract bills

- simple click to check a bill payment history

- long click to make payment for a bill and also allow to input pay reference

- provide simple interface to input contract period for contract bills

- silent alert when a bill is due

- sound alert when a contract is almost due

This application is special good to records the electric bills, water bills, gas bills, telecom bills, mobile bills, board-band bills, property management bills, insurance bills, tax bills, school fee, credit card repayment and etc. The application can support bill type of repeat by day, week month and etc.

For the bill due alert, you are allow to set the number of day in advance to alert you. Since we understand that the bill alert is not very high priority, instead of prompt an alert sound, the application will only display an alert icon in the mobile main screen so when you turn on your mobile next time, you will alert the bill due message.

For the contract due alert, you are also allow to set the number of day in advance to alert you. As we know that the contract normally last for one to two years and it is difficult to remember when will the contract due. We allow you to set the remind in say 60 days before contract due. There will be alert sound plus the alert icon appeared in the screen.


Hopefully, bills application can really help you to better manage your bills. You don't need to always receive electronic bill reminder told you have overdue a bill while you think you already make the payments.