速報APP / 生活品味 / Introspect - Mood Tracker & Dream Tracke

Introspect - Mood Tracker & Dream Tracke





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本


Introspect - Mood Tracker & Dream Tracker(圖1)-速報App

Introspect is created to help you record and analyse your moods and your dreams, in an easy and intuitive way. The practice of keeping track of your moods and your dreams can be very beneficial.

★ Mood Tracker:

Introspect - Mood Tracker & Dream Tracker(圖2)-速報App

☆ Makes it easy for you to identify patterns in your emotional responses.

☆ Helps you understand what makes you feel better and what your triggers are.

Introspect - Mood Tracker & Dream Tracker(圖3)-速報App

☆ By using it you will start to notice the fundamental appraisals you make of yourself.

☆ Is always available for you to use so you can write down your upsetting thoughts as

Introspect - Mood Tracker & Dream Tracker(圖4)-速報App

they appear.

☆ Will make you more competent in identifying your emotional responses and even carrying out the process of analysing them mentally.

Introspect - Mood Tracker & Dream Tracker(圖5)-速報App

☆ Encourages you to practice self-acceptance.

★ Dream tracker:

Introspect - Mood Tracker & Dream Tracker(圖6)-速報App

☆ Allows you to get a more holistic view of your emotions and thoughts, since dreaming is the communication between our conscious an unconscious mind.

Get Introspect now and start exploring your moods and dreams!

Introspect - Mood Tracker & Dream Tracker(圖7)-速報App