速報APP / 娛樂 / Agenart HD

Agenart HD





版本需求:Android 2.3.3 以上版本



Agenart HD(圖1)-速報App

Agenart is a configurable generative art system and a generative art work itself. Generative art is a process where art (generally abstract) is generated. Meaning, the artist does not manually apply a medium to a canvas; instead, the artist creates a system where the art work generates itself. Given the complexity of building such systems, generative art has generally been an endeavor for engineers and software developers.

Agenart is a configurable, powerful, and easy-to-use generative art system. While the tool is simple enough for anyone to use, the tool still allows for a high-level of expression. Agenart allows artists to experiment with the generative art form without having to write their own software.

-- Agenart Tutorial --

Agenart creates works of art by means of painting agents. You, as the artist, will define painting agents that move across your canvas generating your work of art. To define a painting agent, you have to select a few configurable options:

path – defines how agents move about the canvas,

paint – defines how agents paint themselves on the canvas as they move,

palette – defines the colors agents apply to the canvas when they paint,

Agenart HD(圖2)-速報App

Agenart offers three approaches for generating art: Artiste, Designer, & Exhibit.

The Artiste mode permits only a single agent (your finger's touch - no path setting). The Artiste mode works more like a standard drawing application. The Artiste mode is also the easiest method for experimenting with the agent paint and palette settings.

The Designer mode allows multiple agents to be active, while painting is turned on/off manually. The Designer mode still allows you to interact with the agents but the focus is more on the agents interacting with each other and generating art by themselves.

The Exhibit mode contains a set of prepared generative art galleries, a randomly generated art gallery, and your personal art gallery you can create in Designer. From Exhibit mode, you can easily switch to Designer mode to see how the artworks were configured.

-- Agent Settings --

The agent settings include a path, paint, and palette. The settings are independent of each other - that is, you can combine them any way you want. While the paint/palette are just single selections, the path has a few extra settings. Such as, the Count defines how many instances of a path are running simultaneously (note, the Agenart environment is a quantum environment).

The Border Action defines how an agent reacts to a canvas edge when it moves into it. The Reflection and Pass-through border actions are self-explanatory. The Random Transport action means the agent will randomly be placed somewhere on the canvas when it hits the canvas edge. The Remove action means the agent will be deleted from the canvas not to paint again.

Agenart HD(圖3)-速報App

The Relational style allows an agent’s path direction to be influenced. The Leader style will not react to anything – it is the leader. The Follower style will try to follow the closest leader agent or artist touch point. The Runner style will try to run away from any other agent or artist touch point when it is close. The Confused style randomly changes between all three styles (note, a Follower will not follow a Confused agent who thinks it is a Leader).

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