檔案大小:62 MB
版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。
Ko Te Horohoroinga o ngā ringa o Kahumatamomoe te maunga
Ko Pōkaitu te awa
Ko Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tuara te iwi
Ko Te Arawa te waka
Nau mai, piki mai, haere mai.
This app is the home of Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tuara. It is a place where you can find information about our iwi, keep up to date with our many activities and keep in touch regardless of where you are in the world. Here we display access to our panui, calendar and ways of being informed with what's happening with the iwi.
支援平台:iPhone, iPad