速報APP / 健康塑身 / LiliusWELL



檔案大小:61.1 MB

版本需求:系統需求:iOS 9.1 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。



LiliusWELL is built from the ground up to help people find easy access to healthcare and wellness providers in their area. We give businesses the tools they need to reach their demographic quickly and easily. This means quicker and easier access to providers that users may not have known existed in their area of residence.

LiliusWELL has a unique relationship between the Sponsors of our platform, the businesses listed, and the users that we are providing for. This dynamic allows for a greater utilization of resources and technology to provide for all parties.

We currently service these counties in North Carolina:







We currently provide a directory for:

-Solo Therapy

-Group Therapy

-Peer Support

-Substance Abuse Treatment



- Housing Assistance

- Food Assistance

- Career Developemnt

- General Wellness Assistance

- Emergency Services

In addition to a provider directory, LiliusWELL also includes an easily accessible directory of important hotlines.

Hotlines currently listed:


-Suicide Prevention Hotline

-Addiction Hotline

-Depression Hotline

-Abuse Hotline

-Anxiety Hotline

-Eating Disorders Hotlines

-LGBTQ Support Hotline


-Bipolar Disorder Hotline

Let the team at LiliusWELL do all the work of finding resources for you. We strive to make finding wellness providers as easy as pressing a button.

In addition, LiliusWELL is growing at a rapid rate bringing features that both users and providers want to the platform at a rapid rate. Submit your requests for features to info@lilius.io. Businesses interested in being listed on LiliusWELL should contact us at info@lilius.io.


支援平台:iPhone, iPad