速報APP / 娛樂 / Episodes




檔案大小:5.6 MB


版本需求:OS X 10.10 或以上版本,64 位元處理器


Episodes is an Mac-App which allows you to manage your favorite TV-Shows in a quick and easy way.

It features a powerful dashboard, which gives you a overview over all your favourite shows. It also allows you to play the next episode with one simple click from your hard-disk. It also tracks your viewing progress and shows you meta-data from TheTVDB.com.


If you have backed up your DVD-Sets to your computer, Episodes automatically assigns these files to an show and allows you to launch your favorite video player.

Episodes was designed for flexibility: It doesn't matter if your files are on your hard-disk, a network drive or an usb-drive.


visit http://the-skylab.de/episodes/ and check out our 108 second quick video tour.

If you are still unsure, test Episodes for free. Just search for the lite version in the App-Store.


Please note: Episodes is not a video-player, you will need a installed player on your system (for example VLC, which is free). It also will not download any TV-shows.
