速報APP / 旅遊與地方資訊 / Around Me Places (Find Near Local Places

Around Me Places (Find Near Local Places





版本需求:Android 3.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Floor 25, ETA Tower, The Sparks, Ha Dong, Hanoi

Around Me Places (Find Near Local Places)(圖1)-速報App

Quickly identifies your position and get the place nearest such as ATM, Bank, Bar, Cafe, Restaurant, Gas Station, Hospital, Hotel, Movie Theatre, Supermarket, School and etc.


+ Search for a place, address, city or anything that’s nearby you.

+ Showing directions on how to reach your destination on Google Maps.

+ See numerous photos of a place, taken by visitors and the owners.

+ Find out the places exact info like address, distance, .. etc.

+ Gives you the best options on how to get to your destination.

Around Me Places (Find Near Local Places)(圖2)-速報App

+ Can you change your position and get the new places everywhere.

+ Supportroadmap, satellite map, terrain or hybrid map.

+ Simple and easy to use, not run in background and save battery.


+ You need to turn on Location service on your device to detect your position.

+ The position detected will exact than more when you turn on Wifi.

Please leave your comment and review if you like this app, it will help us so much in improving and enhancing the quality of products in the next version!

Around Me Places (Find Near Local Places)(圖3)-速報App

Thanks you very much!

Around Me Places (Find Near Local Places)(圖4)-速報App