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NAICC 2020 Annual Meeting


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NAICC 2020 Annual Meeting(圖1)-速報App

The NAICC Annual Meeting Coordination Committee continues to provide sessions on timely topics for agricultural Crop Consultants, Research Consultants and Quality Assurance personnel.

Join us prior to the meeting for workshops on How to Conduct Good Efficacy Research, CRISPR and GLP Training.

The 2020 Keynote Address "The Paradox of Confidence: Why Experts Are Cautious, Novices Are Aggressive and What You Can Do To Speak More Persuasively About Agriculture" by Vance Crowe, Articulate Ventures, LLC is one that attendees will be discussing long after the event!

Throughout the meeting there will be three main session tracks covering a wide range of topics including:

- Working on your business (marketing, growth, employee relationships)

- High throughput Phenotyping

NAICC 2020 Annual Meeting(圖2)-速報App

- Drone use in Ag Research

- Emerging and Evolving Technology

- Nematode management and future prospects

- Precision Ag applications to research

- Handheld devices for soil and plant sensing in the field

- Compliance, Ethics and Change Management in Today's Business Environment

NAICC 2020 Annual Meeting(圖3)-速報App

- Cover Crops

.....and much more!

支援平台:iPhone, iPad