速報APP / 美食佳飲 / Wine Scorecard

Wine Scorecard





版本需求:Android 5.1 以上版本


Wine Scorecard(圖1)-速報App

You can create your own scorecards, giving each characteristic (from 5 to 10) the weight nd number of stars (1 to 5) you like. From a simple "like - no like" with one star to a complex 5 stars ratings; from a simple 1-10 points scores, to your own (and strange) score system. Also, you can name the characteristics any thing you like. Want to add the design of the label in the final score of the wine? no problem, just edit one characteristic to "label" and assign the weight. You can search for scorecards templates on internet and (in most cases) replicate them in the app. You can even have different cards for different kind of wines! (Whites, reds, roses).

Before all, please understand that this app is not mean to be a database to keep detailed record of the wines. It is intend to be a tool to evaluate wines in an “objective” way (if such thing exists at all). This is not an extensive database to keep grapes, regions, producers, price, etc. The idea is to have a consistent and versatile scale or scales between wines with an easy 5 stars input and let the app to calculate the final scores. To keep tasting notes and wine details, there are a lot of wonderful apps that can do this.

Please help me to do this a great app for wine lovers: Contact me before give it a low rating.

This app allow you to:

Wine Scorecard(圖2)-速報App

*Create and keep your own scales, with your own characteristics (from 5 to 10) and values for each characteristic.

*Store and recall wines’ scores.

*Unlimited wines and cards (limited by device capacity)

*Dropbox synchronization.

Wine Scorecard(圖3)-速報App

*Set the default scale, for when the app starts or a new wine button is clicked, you don’t have to load that particular scale every time.

*Average scores for up to three different tasters (free version allows only one taster).

To edit a scale you need to go to the scales section, set a new name and then you can edit the name of each characteristics, the weight, that is the value that each star will have and the number of stars. In M.S. column you can see the maximum score that the characteristics could get, and at the bottom, the maximum total score for your scorecard.

You can save your card with the save card button and recall it with the load card button.

Wine Scorecard(圖4)-速報App

The database allow you to save the wine name and scores for a latter review.

The available settings are:

*Default scale: Used to set the default scale for new wines. Free version will start always with the default scale and you'll need to load your own scales from the database every time.

* Scale to use in new wines: You can set the app to use the default scale or the last used scale.

Wine Scorecard(圖5)-速報App

*Allow 0.5 star: to allow half star in the ratings.

* Number of characteristics: you can set the number of characteristics to evaluate. If the value is less than 10, the characteristics over the defined number will be ignored in the scores.

*Alternative scale minimum and maximum: This app present the score in three scales: 0 – 5 stars, 0 to maximum value of your own scale (i.e. 0-20) and a third one defined with these values (i.e. 60-100).

*Sync to Dropbox: set the credentials to connect the app with Dropbox.

Wine Scorecard(圖6)-速報App