速報APP / 房屋與房產 / Camy — Live Video Monitoring

Camy — Live Video Monitoring





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:57B Surganova str. Suite 116 Minsk, Belarus

Camy — Live Video Monitoring(圖1)-速報App

Camy turns your phones and tablets into a live stream video surveillance system. You can connect to another phone from anywhere, if you have Internet access. Camy makes it possible to monitor your home or office without purchasing special equipment. Camy will help you monitor your child, help you watch your cat or dog or simply show who is currently at home. The motion detector will ensure the safety of your home from intruders, instantly notifying you about it.

Camy is an app that will make a camera from the phone for remote video surveillance. You can set your phone as a camera or viewing device. Alternatively, you can enter the web address into your browser and watch the live video stream on your PC (soon).


Camy — Live Video Monitoring(圖2)-速報App

✓ Automatic camera detection and pairing

✓ Stream high quality video

✓ Ability to connect multiple cameras (phones) [Available in Premium version]

Camy — Live Video Monitoring(圖3)-速報App

✓ Ability to simultaneously connect with multiple viewers

✓ Video recording

✓ Ability to turn off the phone screen to save energy

Camy — Live Video Monitoring(圖4)-速報App

✓ Motion detector and notification of this + the ability to automatically record video to the cloud [Available in Premium version]

✓ Information about the stream, frame rate, bit rate, image size

✓ Switch between front and rear cameras

Camy — Live Video Monitoring(圖5)-速報App

✓ Ability to answer the camera on the speakerphone "View and talk"

✓ Ability to rotate the image

✓ Remote flashlight on

Camy — Live Video Monitoring(圖6)-速報App

✓ Ability to take screenshots

✓ Ability to zoom in

In the process:

Camy — Live Video Monitoring(圖7)-速報App

✓ Web version for PC

✓ Night mode. The function translates the image into b / w

✓ Sound detector (relevant as a use of baby monitor)

Camy — Live Video Monitoring(圖8)-速報App

✓ Ability to connect IP-camera / webcam

✓ Any ideas what else to add? Email to my @ camy.cam or alfred @ camy.cam

Camy built using Flutter