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Coming Kingdom App





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




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Coming Kingdom Broadcasting is dedicated to broadcasting the news of the Coming Kingdom of God and preparing the interested candidates of that Coming Kingdom .

Coming Kingdom App(圖2)-速報App

just as Yahoshua (christ) commanded in Matthew 28:18-20.

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Our message (broadcast) is the message that has now been ignored by most people in this world right now, That message is the fact that according to Yahoshua (Christ), You must begin to keep all of YAH's (God's) Laws in other to be spared from the wrath and punishment of YAH (God) that will soon come upon everyone that refused to keep the laws and commandment of YAH (God) as prophesied in IsaYah 24:1-6 and Malachi 4:1-6.

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Yahoshua (Christ) said that we must keep all of God's Laws in other to be allowed into the Coming kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:17-19, Revelation 22-14.

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Among the Laws Everyone in this world now must keep is the Sabbath, God commanded us to work for 6 days, then worship and rest on the seventh day. that seventh day sabbath is not on Sunday or on Saturday as many Christian churches and seventh day adventists are now teaching. The Bible shows the Hebrew Israelites used Moon as Calendar, God created the Moon for us to use it as our calendar. (Genesis 1:14-16, 1 Samuel 20)

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