速報APP / 財經 / 52 Week Money Saving Challenge

52 Week Money Saving Challenge



檔案大小:67.6 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 10.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。

52 Week Money Saving Challenge(圖1)-速報App

Having trouble saving money?

This app was designed to help you start saving cash! The app Tracks your progress and includes reminders and notifications to help you along the way. The best part? The app is completely FREE!

How does it work? Well, it’s simple, you have different ways to start saving:

1. Incremental Savings Challenge: Start saving low and increase over the time your weekly savings. Start with $1 dollar the first week, then $2 dollars the second week, $3 dollars the first week, and by the end of week 52 you will have saved a total of $1,378.00 dollars.

2. Reverse Challenge: The second mode is inverse, you start saving more the first weeks and progressively save less and less every week, and by the end of the 52nd week you’ll have saved $1,378.00 dollars.

52 Week Money Saving Challenge(圖2)-速報App

3. Fixed Amount: If you like to save a fixed amount every week, our app will track your progress and help you continue saving every week.

4. By goal: Planning on buying something? Create a goal and set the amount you want to raise, then just let our app track and help you reach your target budget!

What makes us different from all other savings apps? We have several reasons, here is our full feature list:

• Different dynamics and alternatives to make it easy and fun for you to start saving money.

• Graphs are included to help you visualize your progress.

52 Week Money Saving Challenge(圖3)-速報App

• Our App includes notifications; we will send you notifications to remind you about your savings goals.

• Ability to create multiple Savings Goals.

• The App is Multi-language.

• No internet connection is required to use the app, and it’s designed to work for every device with any software version.

• We made it so fast and simple to use that you’ll be able to start saving money in a matter of seconds!

52 Week Money Saving Challenge(圖4)-速報App

• We will constantly update our App to support a wider range of features.

Download Now! 52 Week Money Saving Challenge for FREE in App Store!

52 Week Money Saving Challenge(圖5)-速報App