速報APP / 生活品味 / Intuition4U



檔案大小:53.8 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 12.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



Intuition4U is one of a kind platform built to emphasize on human intuition in a social network.

Human Intuition; otherwise known as Gut Feel, Hunch or Instinct is a very powerful ability that everyone possesses without knowing much about it. With the evolution of Artificial Intelligence, Pattern recognition and Big Data we now trust much more on the computing power than on human intuition. Intuition4U is a fun & unique way to explore “social intuition”.

In the simplest form, Intuition4U has two parties involved. A requestor who asks a question and Responder who answers. Intuition4U lets anyone form a question, choose possible options and publish the question to People connected through social channels. People choose one of the options based on their intuition and respond.

As a part of question formation, requestor types his question and chooses possible options. He also decides whether responders can see the question or not. The requestor can keep the question completely anonymous. He then publishes it to any number of people through social channels.


When Responders receive the question, they have limited time before the question expires. When they get in, the question may not be visible. They don’t see any real options associated with the question either. Instead, Intuition4U algorithm assigns a unique bubble (color code) for each option and let responder select one bubble as per the intuition within 10 seconds. Urgency & colors are the best way to get to a true Intuition.

When the question expires, Requestor can see the “Grand intuition” for his question based on the collective response. All individual intuitions remain anonymous like the original question.

Intended / Target audience


Anyone & everyone who can type a sensical or non-sensical question can become a requestor.

Anyone & everyone who can click on a bubble-shaped button can become a responder.

