速報APP / 運動 / 记分牌 Simple

记分牌 Simple





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:小向西町3-18-2-102 川崎市幸区, 神奈川県 212-0004

记分牌 Simple(圖1)-速報App

It's Multisport Indoor Scoreboard.

It is recommended for use in the basketball, volleyball.

Font size is displayed in the full scale of a screen. And buzzer is large volume.

This scoreboard app is simple design and easy to use!

You can remote control at Bluetooth.

Please download Scoreboard Remote(Free).*

This scoreboard has three display types:

- Simple Mode (Timer + Scores)

- Scorelarge Mode (Score only)

- Timerlarge Mode (Timer only)

How change mode(display type):

Menu Button→ Setting→ Select "Mode Change"→ Select a Mode→ Save.

How change layout:

Menu Button→ Setting→ Select "Layout"→ Check to "Show all functions to the center"→ Save.

This app is free version:


-Bluetooth to connect 1-on-1(Currently, bluetooth to connect 1-on-7 for beta testing)

Web Site:

Homepage - https://tokutenban.com

Twitter - https://twitter.com/7peace_com

记分牌 Simple(圖2)-速報App

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Scoreboard-app/783128178408649


* Timer

* Scoreboard

* Large volume buzzer

* Large size font

* Support 7 inch tablet

* Support 10 inch tablet

* Bluetooth


-Tap Timer: Start/Stop

-Buzzer button at center:Sound the Buzzer

-Menu button: Functions for Basketball

-Back button: Press to the back button and select OK at dialog

Other Features

-At the start, reset function can not be used.

-Max is 99 minutes 59 seconds.

-Less than 1 minute, the display in 1/10 seconds.

-Menu button, you can switch sides, reset score, reset timer, reset all, settings.

Recommended use:



记分牌 Simple(圖3)-速報App


记分牌 Simple(圖4)-速報App