速報APP / 社交 / Live Up

Live Up





版本需求:Android 4.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:2691 Richter Avenue, Suite 127 Irvine, CA 92606

Live Up(圖1)-速報App

Live Up is a real-time and high-quality live broadcasting platform. We will provide you talented, cool, full-bodied broadcasters and fun multiplayer interactive live games! Say goodbye to tedious life and light up your passion with our broadcasters.

- Real-time beauty, high-quality live video, you will broadcast with confidence and become an idol in seconds

Live Up(圖2)-速報App

- Build a family system, group live streaming, sharing wonderfulness, too fun to stop

- Things can not be expressed by words, use our gifts instead and win constant lucky rewards

Live Up(圖3)-速報App

- Abundant bouncing and flying plays on screen make you the center of broadcaster's and audience's attention

- Adhere to green broadcasts, 24/7 real-time supervision, no evil and no pollution

Live Up(圖4)-速報App