速報APP / 商業 / Brightmile




檔案大小:58.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



Brightmile is a smartphone app designed to help company drivers on the road, making them safer and their day easier and ultimately more enjoyable.

The app’s primary goal is to provide drivers with insight into their driving style and to reward improvement and safe driving.

What’s happens after downloading the app?


After having downloaded the app and activated your account the app will automatically start to capture and display your journeys.

The app will be recording all your journeys, and we encourage you to classify as personal any journey not done for business purposes. Step by step instructions on how to classify journeys will be sent to you by email immediately after you log your first journey. This is an important action as in the future we will use this classification to help you save time and hassle on your mileage expenses.

After each journey you will be able to see feedback on your driving, both at individual trip level as well as how you have doing overall over the last 14 days.


The Brightmile team are continually adding new features so to ensure you don’t miss out please ensure your app is set to auto update so you are always updated to the latest version available on the app store.

Note on battery consumption: Don't be concerned. The Brightmile team have invested extensive time and expertise to minimise any impact. The app will use some extra battery, but no more than other apps such as Facebook or Whatsapp.

