速報APP / 攝影 / PhotInfo




檔案大小:20.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



PhotInfo is a simple to use app to view all the information (location, date, dimensions, camera, etc.) stored within each of your photos. Moreover, with PhotInfo you can also create a copy of a photo with the main information modified (or without information). Within the app it's possible to favorite or delete a photo.

The PhotInfo Extension provides access to the main info from other apps.

With PhotInfo you can:

• view an image with the main tags in a single view

• view all Exif tags from the image, in human readable or in native format

• access all photos, albums and photo folders on your iOS device

• access images from iCloud Photo Library

• copy the key data or the content of individual tags

• (with a very simple interface) create a copy of the image eliminating or modifying tags for:

- the place (you can take it from another picture, from an address or indicating it in a map)


- the date and time when the photo was taken (you can even take it from another picture)

- the orientation

- the author (the artist)

- the copyright

- the image description

• create a copy of the image with the minimum content of the tags (related to image data structure)

• favorite, hide or delete a photo

• see where the photo was taken, in different ways:

- locate in a map

- show the coordinates


- show the address (internet connection required)

- visualize the city name (internet connection required)

• when sharing an image, create a message containing the location (if the information is available) and the date when the photo was taken (or the image was saved)

• quickly scroll through your albums and the smart albums

PhotInfo shows every picture in different ways:

• Details: a little image with the main information (date, place, camera, etc.)

• Tags: all the exif tags

• Image: a big image with zoom and pan

• Map: (when the image contains location tags) a map of the place where the photo was taken; it may be a simple, satellite or hybrid map.

In Details or in Image view, it is possible to scroll the images swiping a finger.


From Map view you can reach another view that shows the coordinates, a button to open Maps app with this coordinate and (if internet is available) the corresponding address.

The photos in the album are displayed in a list (one per line) or in a grid (4 per line), sorted from the most recent or from the last one, depending on your preference.

PhotInfo is in constant development, so new features will be added soon. Download now and stay tuned!


支援平台:iPhone, iPad