速報APP / 商業 / ASBsw






版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本





This application provides a vast array of functionality, resources, and misc. tools that our agents can take advantage of on a day-to-day basis.



1. Appointment Setting:

• Always know how many appointments are being booked, at what time, and by who

• See all upcoming appointments booked in real time to know when to book new ones

• Track the quality of each caller's appointments by getting instant feedback from

the agent's as they're completed.

• Get a bird's-eye view or drill down into the appointment results by viewing

charts of data for each individual, each team, each office, and/or the entire region.

• Push notifications and/or email notifications for all new appointments set, newly


completed appointments, rescheduled appointments, or any other important changes

• Connection to real-time data allows appointment setters to view the open time slots in

an agent's schedule, open the form, and submit a new appointment...all in under 10


• And this list goes on......


2. Agent Resources/Insights

• "Agent Radar":

Allows agents to view and/or interact with any/all prospects within a 20 mile radius of their current location. Send local prospects a notification by SMS or email with the touch of a button. The radar shows different icons on the map which resemble different lead types, or build custom icons for new lead types.

• (No More Endless) Carrier Websites:

As independent agents, we KNOW how many carrier portals there are out there...they seem endless!! Find, navigate, and store all your login information as you go, and all in ONE place and....Stop the madness!...(and let out a big sigh of relief!)


• Agent Booked Appointment Tracking:

Agents can see all the results of the appointments they've booked, whether given to another agent to run or not. They can easily view insights, notes, and overall results of how they're doing on the appointments they've booked.

• New Business Tracking:

Much like the results of the agent booked appointments, each agent can track all of their new business submissions, and weekly/monthly/YTD sales insights.

• Agent Training Section:

Includes training content for new agents and experienced. Training videos, audio, and exams are listed here. Any/all test results are immediately emailed to management upon completion.

• Agent Resources Section:

Includes misc. links, videos, and/or online resources (i.e. Online auto-dialer, office printer drivers, one-click navigation to our local office, etc)

• Prospect/Client/Appointment Filter&Download (AKA, A Streamlined CRM!)

After searching far and wide for a CRM that would be 100% compatible for what we do (and still coming up short), this application makes it possible to provide each agent with history of their appointments, a list of leads to call, AND never duplicates records when it comes to the prospect database! How this is done....well, that's a deeper part of the secret recipe!

That being said, agents can search their appointment history/leads/clients and pull a CSV file from that...or, they can search different characteristics of each record, then pull a filtered version of that data.



3. Security Filters and Management Access

• Varying levels of restricted access are available for any/all data within the app. Filter what each user can see and/or edit by individual, by email domain, by sales team, by role, and so on.
