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Ladybird Wallpaper





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Beautiful Ladybird Wallpaper Graphics HD Backgrounds Free!

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Ladybirds a family of beetles characterized in that the foot trohchlenistymi them appear since the third very small segment along with half of the fourth is hidden in the furrow biloba second segment. Ladybird body polusharoobraznoe or egg-shaped, more or less convex. The head is short with a 11 at least 10-jointed antennae that attach to the sides of the front edge of the head and able to buckle under his head. The abdomen consists of 6 free segments.

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The most active period for the destruction of aphids part of the diet ladybirds the spring until late autumn winter ladybirds climb under fallen leaves bark or stones and there wait for the next spring. Depending on the availability of food these insects live from a few months to a year and very rarely up to two years. Juveniles are always different bright colors that gradually fades with age while remaining sufficiently convincing as a warning to predators who want to encroach on the insect life. An effective way to protect sharply poisonous-smelling yellow liquid that ladybugs isolated from the joints of the feet. It scares their main enemies spiders frogs and some insects eating ladybirds. Birds and other vertebrates in the ladybirds do not hunt. Ladybugs fly well making its wings up to 85 strokes per second.

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There are more than 4000 species of ladybirds which are distributed in all parts of the world. Some of them are found in all plants trees bushes and grasses which have only aphids others are kept only on the outfield grass the third in the meadows adjacent to streams fourth only on the trees. Finally, some species live in the reeds and other aquatic plants last are more long legs that help them to stay on the plants easy bending in the wind. The most common type seven-spotted ladybird. Thoracic shield her black with a whitish spot in the front corner red elytra with seven black dots is very common in Europe North Africa and Asia. This species feeds on aphids and spider mites.

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Herbivorous species most widely represented in the tropics all over the world and in the subtropical regions of Southeast Asia. Among them there are some important agricultural pests. In Russia there are 3 types of cows phytophagous. In the Far East serious damage to potato crops cucumbers tomatoes and other vegetables causes a 28-spot Ladybird potato Previously attributable to the genus Epilachna. In southern Russia alfalfa cow sometimes damages the alfalfa and sugar beet landing. In Smolensk Saratov and other areas of the central belt and the south of Russia occasionally damage alfalfa, clover and clover cynegetis impunctata.

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Cool 3D Pics HD Wallpapers - Good Download Free Pictures - Ladybird Wallpaper Backgrounds for Mobile Phones.

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