速報APP / 攝影 / TilePhotos




檔案大小:1.8 MB


版本需求:OS X 10.6.6 或以上版本



TilePhotos is a very simple app that creates an array of sub-images of a given image, creating tiles from it.

Visit our website for other information and a demo.


The tiling of a given image is determined by specifying the number of row and column subdivisions, or the desired pixel dimensions of each tile. Record these values in the Preferences window of the application.

Drop a file (or folder of images) onto the application icon in the Finder, or its main window to tile it. You will be prompted for a destination for the generated tiles.


Each generated tile image will have a custom icon added to it, and it will be named after the original photo with the row and column index appended: "photo-file-name_row-index_column-index"

The origin is at the lower left of the photo, so the first row of tiles have row index 0, and first column of tiles have column index 0 - see the accompanying screen shot that shows how the face of Michelangelo's David is subdivided into a 2x2 grid, taking note of how the tiles are labelled using the format "photo-file-name_row-index_column-index" .