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Mortgage Choice



檔案大小:18.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Mortgage Choice(圖1)-速報App

At Mortgage Choice, we’re about helping people make better choices with their finances, because we believe that making better choices leads to a better life. We get a kick out of helping people afford the things that are important to them, whether that’s buying a home, buying a new car, starting a business, travelling around the world or enjoying life in retirement.

We do this via a national network of franchisees, including professional mortgage brokers and financial advisers. They are committed to empowering customers by sharing their expertise and offering solutions that are personalised to customers’ individual circumstances.

Mortgage Choice(圖2)-速報App

For over 25 years, Mortgage Choice brokers have been offering customers a wide choice of home loan products via an extensive panel of leading lenders.

The Home Loan Helper app is your own pocket sized calculator! It features four of the most popular tools people need when looking to buy properties, including:

Mortgage Choice(圖3)-速報App

1) Borrowing Power Calculator to help you work out how much you can borrow

2) Loan Repayment Calculator to help calculate your likely repayments

Mortgage Choice(圖4)-速報App

3) Stamp Duty Calculator to work out likely cost of stamp duty

All calculations can be saved and exported, and you can also locate your nearest Mortgage Choice broker quickly and easily.

Mortgage Choice(圖5)-速報App
